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l 湖北省农业农村厅农用地污染防治专家委员会主任2020-);

l 中国农业农村部受污染耕地中南地区攻关组专家2019-);

l 国家农产品产地重金属污染综合防治协同创新联盟常务理事2019-);

l 中国原子能农学会常务理事2019-);

l 中国国际农业合作促进会功能农产品专家委员会委员(2018- ;

l 国家富硒产品加工研究中心学术委员会委员,(2018-;

l 湖北省高等法院资源环境审判诉讼咨询专家2019-);

l 中国生态学会污染生态专业委员会委员2017-2022);

l 国家硒产品检验监测中心特聘专家2017-2022);

l 湖北省人大常委会城乡建设和资源环境研究会理事2016-);

l 湖北省环境损害司法鉴定机构登记评审专家库专家2016-);

l 湖北省土壤污染状况详查工作专家咨询委员会委员2017-2020);

l 湖北省农产品产地重金属例行监测技术指导专家2018-2020);

l 湖北省恩施州农科院特聘专家2018-2022);

l 湖北省核学会理事2010-2020);

l 湖北省土壤肥料学会第九届理事会常务理事、秘书长2010-2014);

l 《核农学报》副主编2019-);《同位素》编委(2019-

l 多家国际国内刊物《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《农业环境科学学报》等论文评阅人。




[1]. 有机硅介导的土壤镉形态转化和离子界面行为研究(国家自然科学基金,422773922023-2026项目负责人)

[2]. 经济快速发展区场地土壤污染源识别与源-汇关系 (国家重点研发计划,2018YFC18003052018-2022长江经济带石化场地土壤污染输移过程与演变态势课题负责人)

[3]. 高效土壤调理剂筛选和应用技术研究(武汉沃农肥业有限公司横向课题,2021-2025,项目负责人)

[4]. 农田新型土壤调理剂和叶面阻控剂研发(江西普瑞丰科技横向课题,2020-2024,项目负责人)

[5]. 恩施州富硒土地资源生态地球化学研究(湖北地质科学研究院攻关项目,KJ2020-132020-2023,课题负责人)

[6]. 农产品富硒降镉技术研发(新土地科技公司横向课题,2019-2023,项目负责人)

[7]. 富硒土壤资源高效安全利用(广西科技重大专项,桂科AA172020262017-2021硒与其他有害重金属伴生关系研究课题负责人)

[8]. 土壤重金属污染检测与修复技术研究与新产品研发(湖北省技术创新专项重大项目,2017ABA1542017-2020,项目负责人)

[9]. 湖北省农产品产地环境重金属例行监测(湖北省农业厅委托项目,2017-2020,项目负责人)

[10]. 重金属超标农田安全利用技术研究与示范(国家科技支撑计划,课题名称:中南工矿区镉砷镍超标农田安全利用技术集成与示范,2015BAD05B022015-2020项目参加人)

[11]. 有机硅功能肥防控农田重金属污染技术研究(河北省硅谷肥业有限公司委托项目,20173186C032017-2022,项目负责人)

[12]. 富硒蔬菜标准化技术研究与示范(武汉红日子食品有限公司委托项目,2017-2020,项目负责人)

[13]. 武汉周大福金融中心土地污染调查及土地修复设计顾问服务(横向课题,2017-2018,项目负责人)

[14]. 江夏区农田重金属污染调查与风险评估(江夏区政协委托项目,2015-2016,项目负责人)

[15]. 含铁锰矿/水界面砷的吸附和氧化复合作用机制研究(国家自然科学基金,4147140720152018项目负责人)

[16]. 矿山污染地下水渗透反应墙材料开发及原位渗透反应墙修复技术研究(中国水电顾问集团攻关项目,GW-KJ-2012-10-012014-2016项目负责人)

[17]. 优质高效富硒农产品关键技术研究与示范(农业部公益性行业科研专项, 2013031062013-2017,课题负责人)

[18]. 核技术农业应用子课题农田土壤重金属污染控制与修复(农业部公益性行业科研专项, 2008030342011030072008-2016,华中地区负责人)

[19]. 大型有色金属基地及周边地区重金属污染土壤植物修复技术及示范(国家863计划,2012AA0 615102012-2015,课题参加人)

[20]. 丛枝菌根共生体系中砷的迁移、转化及与宿主抗砷毒的关系 (国家自然科学基金,411030352012-2014,课题参加人)

[21]. 清江源金神农烟叶减害降焦的农业关键技术研究与应用(湖北省烟草公司重大专项,027Y2011055,子课题烤烟微量元素营养与污染控制承担单位,2011-2014

[22]. 农田生态系统植酸的环境地球化学研究(国家自然科学基金, 410713092011-2013,课题负责人)

[23]. 化能异养型和自养型亚砷酸氧化菌的砷感应与表达调控分子机理 (重点国际(地区)合作与交流项目, 31010103903,课题参加人,2011-2013

[24]. 应用73As示踪技术研究丛枝菌根对土壤砷生物有效性的影响(浙江大学农业部核农学重点开放实验室基金,项目负责人, 2010-2011

[25]. 施肥模式对稻麦农田环境及土壤生物学性质的影响(国家973项目子课题, 2007CB1093082007-2011,项目参加人)

[26]. 云南典型烟叶的指纹图谱特征及在烟叶质量分类和评价中的应用研究 (云南省烟草烟叶公司重点攻关项目,2009YN0102009-2011项目负责人)

[27]. 矿质营养调控烤烟烟碱的机制研究与应用 (湖北中烟攻关项目,鄂烟科[2009]1号,2009-2011项目负责人)

[28]. 砷超富集植物根际对土壤中砷的活化效应与调控(国家自然科学基金407711842008-2010,子课题负责人)

[29]. 砷污染地下水修复的渗透反应墙技术研究与示范(国家863项目2007AA06Z3322007-2010项目负责人)

[30]. 砷污染农田植物-微生物联合修复技术研究(国家863项目2006AA10Z4052006-2010,子课题负责人)

[31]. 烤烟醇化品质及调控与预测(武烟集团重点攻关项目,2006-2008项目负责人)。

[32]. 超级杂交稻最优管理规程(Best Management Practice, BMP研究与示范(2005AA201C46,湖北省科技厅攻关课题, 2005-2007,主持)

[33]. 砷超积累植物磷砷相互作用的机理研究(2005ABA148湖北省自然科学基金,20052006,主持)。

[34]. 砷超积累植物蜈蚣草植酸酶的初步研究(教育部回国人员启动基金,2004-2005,主持)。

[35]. 超富砷植物蜈蚣草的环境修复机理及应用(美国国家基金,2001-2004,主要参加人)。

[36]. 超富钾植物籽粒苋富钾机制及综合利用技术研究(湖北省科技厅科技攻关项目,2000-2002,主持)。

[37]. 籽粒苋富钾机制的研究(农业部核农学重点开放实验室(浙江大学)开放基金, 1996-1999,主持);

[38]. 城郊农田高效多熟耕作制肥水运筹技术与环境保护的研究(湖北省科技厅攻关课题, 1995-1999,主要参加人);

[39]. 双季稻养份归还模式与环境污染的研究(湖北省科技厅攻关课题, 1991-1995,主要参加人);

[40]. 应用核技术研究几种农用化学物质在环境中的去向(农业部攻关课题,1991-1995,主要参加人);

[41]. 应用磷同位素示踪技术研究石灰性土壤磷素形态,转化和有效性(中国科学院南京土壤所开放实验室基金, 1990-1992,主持);


[1]. 2018 获湖北省科技进步三等奖。获奖项目:矿区地下水多种重金属污染原位渗透反应墙修复技术。(第一名)


[2]. 1998年获得农业部科技进步二等奖,获奖项目:六种农用化学物质在环境中的行为研究。(参与获奖)

[3]. 1997获得国家科委科技进步三等奖,获奖项目:六种农用化学物质在环境中的行为研究。(参与获奖)


[1]. Contaminant removal by ferns via foliar application and excised/ground fronds. Issue date June/27/2006.US patent No. 7,066,982.

[2]. 发明专利:王革娇,刘颜军,涂书新 "净化重金属污染的芽胞杆菌MK3-1及用途".公开号: CN101429486。专利号:ZL 2008 1 0197901.9

[3]. 闫铁军;何结望;吴风光;司 辉;孙敬国;涂书新.一种烤烟醇化品质判定的高效液相指纹图谱分析方法(公开号:CN101661023);专利号:CN2008 1 0196807.1

[4]. 闫铁军 何结望 吴风光 司辉 孙敬国 涂书新  一种烤烟醇化品质判定的高效液相指纹图谱主成分分析方法。公开号: CN101661024专利号:CN2008 1 0196806.7

[5]. ;闫铁军;何结望;吴风光;谢 豪;涂书新;张允政;孙敬国。用烟叶pH检测值判定烤烟醇化质量的方法(公开号: CN101685092);专利号: CN200810197049.5

[6]. 发明专利:涂书新;马琳;黄永柄;张小明;龙晓燕一种修复地下水砷污染的渗透反应墙材料及制备和用途。 公开号:CN101695650A。专利号:ZL 2009 1 0272494.8

[7]. 发明专利:涂书新;张敏;廖晓勇;阎秀兰;马琳;曹环;黄永柄 一种适用于土壤砷的化学固定材料及用途。 公开号:CN101695711A。专利号:ZL 2009 1 0272496.7

[8]. 涂书新;张小明;马琳;黄永柄;龙晓燕。一种沸石改性方法及在水除砷中的用途。公开号:CN101920190A; 专利号:ZL 2010 1 0203314.3

[9]. 涂书新;龙小燕;秦艳艳;黄永柄;马琳;张小明. 一种活性炭改性材料及在水除砷中的用途。公开号:CN101920191A; 专利号:ZL 2010 1 0203318.1

[10]. 涂书新;黄永炳;李小娟;马琳;张小明;龙晓燕. 一种锰矿改性方法及在地下水渗透反应墙除砷中的应用。公开号:CN101920188A专利号:ZL 2010 1 0203313.9

[11]. 廖水饺; 向东芳; 涂书新; 失水山梨醇脂肪酸酯在活化土壤砷总的用途及一种砷活化剂, 2021-2-26,中国, ZL201910167475.2

[12]. 熊双莲; 马烁; 周翮江; 涂书新; 曹梦华; 一种改性海泡石重金属吸附材料及制备方法, 2020-11-20,中国, ZL201811464074.5

[13]. 李哲勇;涂书新;袁雅君;一种稻壳灰粉末复合材料及造粒方法和应用,2021-07-08,中国,202110773465.0


[1]. Zhi-HuaDai, Song Ding,Jia-Yi Chen, Ran Han, Yue Cao, Xue Liu, Shuxin Tu, Dong-Xing Guan, Lena Q. Ma. Selenate increased plant growth and arsenic uptake in As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata via glutathione-enhanced arsenic reduction and translocation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. Volume 424, Part C, 15 February 2022, 127581.

[2]. Muhammad Rizwan, Kamal Usman, Mohammed Alsafran*, Hareb Al Jabri, Tayyaba Samreen, Muhammad Hamzah Saleem and Shuxin Tu*. Nickel Toxicity Interferes with NO3−/NH4+ Uptake and Nitrogen Metabolic Enzyme Activity in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plants, 2022, 11(11), 1401; https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11111401

[3]. 冉颖,涂书新,等. 2022. 典型铁氧化物对Hg(II)吸附及其机制的比较研究[J]. 环境科学学报, 录用待刊.

[4]. 邹峁雁,韩昊展,谢永娟,万田英*,涂书新*。玉米种子发芽生理和抗氧化系统对砷胁迫响应的基因型差异及其机制研究。核农学报202135(4)09690979

[5]. 朱静,侯耀宗,邹书成,曹梦华*,涂书新。武汉集中式饮用水源地土壤重金属的时空分布特征及生态风险评价。环境科学,2021, 42(7)3215-3222

[6]. 周嗣江,刘针延,熊双莲*,马烁,黄倚豪,雷寅,曹梦华,涂书新。同步钝化土壤CdAs材料的筛选。环境科学,2021, 42(7)3527-3534

[7]. Zhen Q, Tu SX, Hou JT*, Ni CL, Wang MQ, Ren L, Wang MX, Cao MH, Xiong SL, Tan WF. Insights into the underlying mechanisms of stability working for As(III) removal by Fe-Mn binary oxide as a highly efficient adsorbent. Water Research2021203117558.

[8]. Sijiang Zhou, Zhenyan Liu, Gang Sun, Qingya Zhang, Menghua Cao, ShuxinTu, Shuanglian Xiong*. Simultaneous reduction in cadmium and arsenic accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by iron/iron-manganese modified sepiolite. December 2021, Science of The Total Environment 810:152189

[9]. Yuan Yuan, Muhammad Imtiaz,Muhammad Rizwan,[...],Mike Shuxin Tu*.The role and its transcriptome mechanisms of cell wall polysaccharides in vanadium detoxication of rice. December 2021, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 425(1):127966.11

[10]. Tianying Wan, Xiangwei Dong ,Lihua Yu, Mike Shuxin Tu*.Comparative study of three Pteris vittata-crop intercropping modes in arsenic accumulation and phytoremediation efficiency. Environmental Technology & Innovation, September 202124(131):101923.

[11]. Dan Han, Shuxin Tu, Zhihua Dai, Huifang Shao. Comparison of selenite and selenate in alleviation of drought stress in Nicotiana tabacum L. September 2021,Chemosphere 287(6):132136,DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.132136

[12]. Zheyong Li, Yajun Yuan, Shuxin Tu, et al. 2021. Simultaneous Kinetics of Selenite Oxidation and Sorption on δ-MnO2 in Stirred-Flow Reactors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 6: 2902. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18062902

[13]. Zheyong Li, Huan Cao, Yajun Yuan, Hongwei Jiang, Yifan Hu, Jiqiang He, Yihui Zhang & Shuxin Tu. Combined passivators regulate the heavy metal accumulation and antioxidant response of Brassica chinensis grown in multi-metal contaminated soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research volume 28, pages49166–49178 (2021).

[14]. Zhang Y , Zeng H , X Dong, Zheng Q, Shuxin T*, et al. In situ cadmium removal from paddy soils by a reusable remediation device and its health risk assessment in rice. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2021(248):101713.

[15]. Md Muzammel Hossain, Yuan Yuan, Hengliang Huang,,Mike Shuxin Tu*. Exposure to Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6) Affects the Antioxidant Response and Gene Expression of Procambarus clarkia. March 2021Sustainability 13(6):3495. DOI: 10.3390/su13063495.

[16]. Hossain, M.M., Huang, H., Yuan, Y., Wan, T., Jiang, C., Dai, Z., Xiong, S., Cao, M., Tu. S. 2020. Silicone stressed response of crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in antioxidant enzyme activity and related gene expression, Environmental Pollution, 274 (2021) 115836. https://doi.org/10.1016 /j.envpol.2020.115836.

[17]. Muhammad Awais Piracha, Muhammad Ashraf, Sher Muhammad Shahzad, Sher Muhammad Shahzad,, Mike Shuxin Tu. Alteration in Arsenic Dynamics and Toxicity to Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) in Response to Phosphorus in Different Textured Soils. Sustainability. February 2021.  DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-205906/v1.

[18]. Sajid Mehmood, Waqas Ahmed, Muhammad Imtiaz, S Tu, Di-Yun Chen. Chitosan-modified biochar immobilized arsenic in root medium and enhanced the growth of zucchini (cv. Courgette). January 2021Crop and Pasture Science, DOI: 10.1071/CP21080

[19]. Hengliang Huang; Mei Li; Muhammad Rizwan; Zhihua Dai; Yuan Yuan; Md Muzammel Hossain; Menghua Cao; Shuanglian Xiong; Shuxin Tu*; Synergistic effect of silicon and selenium on the alleviation of cadmium toxicity in rice plants, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 401: 123393.

[20]. Zhihua Dai, Yuan Yuan, Hengliang Huang, Md Muzammel Hossain, Shuanglian Xiong, Menghua Cao, Lena Q. Ma, Shuxin Tu*. Methyl Jasmonate mitigates high selenium damage of rice via altering antioxidant capacity, selenium transportation and gene expression. Science of the Total Environment. Volume 756, 20 February 2021, 143848

[21]. Qian Zheng; Jingtao Hou*; William Hartley; Lu Ren; Mingxia Wang; Shuxin Tu*; Wenfeng Tan; As(III) adsorption on Fe-Mn binary oxides: are Fe and Mn oxides synergistic or antagonistic for arsenic removal?, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 389: 124470.

[22]. Ma, Lin; Cai, Dongmei; Tu, Shuxin*; Arsenite simultaneous sorption and oxidation by natural ferruginous manganese ores with various ratios of Mn/Fe, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 382: 0-123040.

[23]. Liu Yizhu, Muhammad Imtiaz, Allah Ditta, Muhammad Shahid Rizwan, Muhammad Ashraf, Sajid Mehmood, Omar Aziz, Fathia Mubeen, Muhammad Ali, Nosheen Noor Elahi, Raina Ijaz, Sha Lele, Cao Shuang & Shuxin Tu* .Response of growth, antioxidant enzymes and root exudates production towards As stress in Pteris vittata and in Astragalus sinicus colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Environmental Science and Pollution Research volume 27, 2340-2352(2020)

[24]. Yuan YTu S. 2020. Effect of vanadium on germination, growth and activities of amylase and antioxidant enzymes in genotypes of rice. International Journal of Environmental Science and  Technology17, pages383-394.

[25]. Huang, Hengliang; Rizwan, Muhammad; Li, Mei; Song, Furu; Zhou, Sijiang; He, Xuan; Ding, Rui; Dai, Zhihua; Yuan, Yuan; Cao, Menghua; Xiong, Shuanglian; Tu, Shuxin*; Comparative efficacy of organic and inorganic silicon fertilizers on antioxidant response, Cd/Pb accumulation and health risk assessment in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Environmental Pollution, 2019, 255: 113146.

[26]. Cao M, Tu S. 2019. Ascorbic acid induced activation of persulfate for pentachlorophenol degradation. Chemosphere, 229: 200-205.  

[27]. Dai ZH, Tu S*. 2019. Dynamics of Se uptake, speciation, and antioxidant response in rice at different panicle initiation stages.  Science of the Total Environment691827-834 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.186

[28]. Wu XRTu SX*Feng RW. Elevated atmosphere CO2 might increase the health risk of long-term ingestion of leafy vegetables cultivated in residual DDT polluted soil. ChemosphereVolume 227, July 2019, Pages 289-298. DOI10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.04.024

[29]. Rizwan M, Tu S*. 2019. Hydrogen sulfide enhances rice tolerance to nickel through the prevention of chloroplast damage and the improvement of nitrogen metabolism under excessive nickel. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 138:100-111, 2019

[30]. Sajid M, Tu S*. Leaching Behavior of Pb and Cd and Transformation of Their Speciation in Co-contaminated Soil Receiving Different Passivators. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE 2019

[31]. Dai ZH, Tu SX*. 2020. Nitric oxide alleviates selenium toxicity in rice by regulating antioxidation, selenium uptake, speciation and gene expression Environmental Pollution, 257113540

[32]. Dai ZH, Tu SX*. 2019. Effects of different kinds of hormones on selenium accumulation in rice. CRC Press, 2019. (EI)

[33]. Dai ZH, Tu SX*. 2019. Alleviating effects of exogenous nitric oxide donor SNP on selenium toxicity in rice seedlings. CRC Press, 2019. (EI)

[34]. 黄恒亮,涂书新*. 有机硅改性复合肥对玉米养分和镉吸收的影响.中国土壤与肥料20194156-163

[35]. 杨发文,黄衡亮,涂书新*. 有机硅复合肥防治水稻镉污染的效果和初步机制。核农学报,202034( 2) : 04250432

[36]. 刘永贤,戴志华,涂书新 (编著). 2019. 硒的检测分析方法.科学出版社。

[37]. 向冬芳,廖水姣,涂书新,等. 三聚磷酸钠与柠檬酸复合强化蜈蚣草修复砷污染土壤. 农业环境科学学报, 2019, 388):1973-1981.

[38]. 刘锦嫦,熊双莲,马烁,高菲,涂书新.2018. 硒砷交互作用对水稻幼苗生理特性及砷硒累积的影响.农业环境科学学报, 373):423-430

[39]. 王兆双,涂书新. 不同土壤调理剂对土壤硒的活化效应研究。土壤通报,2018494):953-958

[40]. Allah Ditta, Muhammad Imtiaz, Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Shahid Rizwan, Fathia Mubeen,Omar Aziz, Zheng Qian, Raina Ijaz, Shuxin Tu. 2018. Rock phosphate enriched organic fertilizer with phosphate solubilizing microorganisms improves nodulation, growth and yield of legumes Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 49, 2715-2725

[41]. Muhammad Imtiaz, Muhammad Ashraf, Muhammad Shahid Rizwan, Muhammad Amjad Nawaz, Muhammad Rizwan, Sajid Mehmood, Balal Yousaf, Yuan Yuan, Allah Ditta, Muhammad Ali Mumtaz, Muhammad Ali, Sammina Mahmood, Shuxin Tu*. 2018. Vanadium toxicity in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) grown in red soil: effects on cell death, ROS and antioxidative systems. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety158, 139-144

[42]. Muhammad Rizwan, Mohammad Golam Mostafa, Muhammad Zulfiqar Ahmad, Muhammad Imtiaz, Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Adeel, Zhihua Dai, Zheyong Li, Omar Aziz, Yihui Zhang, Shuxin Tu*.2018. Nitric oxide induces rice tolerance to excessive nickel by regulating nickel uptake, reactive oxygen species detoxification and defense-related gene expression. Chemosphere, 191 :23-33

[43]. Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Rizwan, Saqib Bashir, Allah Ditta, Omar Aziz, Li Zheyong, Zhihua Dai, Muhammad Akmal, Waqas Ahmed, Muhammad Adeel ,Muhammad Imtiaz, Shuxin Tu*. 2018. Comparative Effects of Biochar, Slag and Ferrous–Mn Ore on Lead and Cadmium Immobilization in Soil Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 100 (2) :286-292

[44]. Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Rizwan, Saqib Bashir, Allah Ditta, Omar Aziz, Li Zhe Yong, Zhihua Dai, Muhammad Akmal, Waqas Ahmed, Muhammad Adeel ,Muhammad Imtiaz, Shuxin Tu*. 2018. Impact of different amendments on biochemical responses of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) plants grown in lead-cadmium contaminated soil. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 132 (2018) 345–355

[45]. 戴志华, 高菲, 赵敏, 韩丹,王兆双, 涂书新*.作物对硒的吸收利用及合理施用硒肥.生物技术进展,2017, 7(5):415-420.

[46]. 高菲,戴志华,韩丹,王兆双,冯人伟,熊双莲,涂书新*. 硒影响植物抗氧化系统的作用与机制. 生物技术进展. 2017, 7(5):467-472.

[47]. 谢志坚, 涂书新*, 徐昌旭, 刘光荣. 紫云英还田对单季稻田氨挥发的影响. 核农学报,201731( 8) : 1576-1584.

[48]. Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Imtiaz, Zhihua Dai, Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Adeel, Jinchang Liu, Shuxin Tu*. Nickel stressed responses of rice in Ni subcellular distribution, antioxidant production and osmolyte accumulation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(25); 20587-20598.

[49]. Sajid Mehmood, Muhammad Rizwan, Saqib Bashir, Allah Ditta, Omar Aziz, Li Zhe Yong, Zhihua Dai, Muhammad Akmal, Waqas Ahmed, Muhammad Adeel ,Muhammad Imtiaz, Shuxin Tu*. Comparative Effects of Biochar, Slag and Ferrous–Mn Ore on Lead and Cadmium Immobilization in Soil. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2018 , 100 (2) :286-292

[50]. Muhammad Imtiaz, Muhammad Shahid Rizwan, Muhammad Adnan Mushtaq, Balal Yousaf, Muhammad Ashraf, Muhammad Ali, Adnan Yousuf, Muhammad Rizwan, Mairaj Din, Zhihua Dai, Shuanglian Xiong, Sajid Mehmood, Shuxin Tu *(2016). Interactive effects of vanadium and phosphorus on their uptake, growth and heat shock proteins in chickpea genotypes under hydroponic conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany Volume 134, February 2017, Pages 72-81

[51]. Muhammad Imtiaz, Muhammad Adnan Mushtaq, Muhammad Shahid Rizwan, Muhammad Saleem Arif, Balal Yousaf, Muhammad Ashraf, Xiong Shuanglian, Muhammad Rizwan, Sajid Mehmood, Shuxin Tu* (2016). Comparison of antioxidant enzymes activities and DNA damage in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes exposed to vanadium. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23:19787-19796.

[52]. Muhammad Imtiaz, Muhammad Shahid Rizwan, Muhammad Adnan Mushtaq, Muhammad Ashraf, Sher Muhammad Shahzad, Balal Yousaf, Dawood Anser Saeed, Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Azher Nawaz, Sajid Mehmood, Shuxin Tu* (2016). Silicon occurrence, uptake, transport and mechanisms of heavy metals, minerals and salinity enhanced tolerance in plants with future prospects: A review. Journal of Environmental Management 183(3): 521-529

[53]. Xie Zhijian , Shah Farooq , Tu Shuxin*. Chinese Milk Vetch as Green Manure Mitigates Nitrous Oxide Emission From Monocropped Rice System in South China. PLOS ONE  2016 , 11 (12) :e0168134

[54]. Interactive effects of selenium and arsenic on growth, antioxidant system, arsenic and selenium species of Nicotiana tabacum L. By: Han, Dan; Xiong, Shuanglian; Tu, Shuxin*; et al. ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY   Volume: 117   Pages: 12-19   Published: SEP 2015

[55]. Vanadium, recent advancements and research prospects: A review By: Imtiaz, Muhammad; Rizwan, Muhammad Shahid; Xiong, Shuanglian; Tu, Shuxin*  et al. ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL   Volume: 80   Pages: 79-88   Published: JUL 2015

[56]. Preliminary mechanisms for arsenic removal by natural ferruginous manganese ore By: Huang, Y.; Huang, C.; Yang, Q.; Tu, S.* et al. MATERIALS RESEARCH INNOVATIONS   Volume: 19   Supplement: 5   Pages: 1313-1317   Published: MAY 2015

[57]. Growth, V uptake, and antioxidant enzymes responses of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes under vanadium stress By: Imtiaz, Muhammad; Tu, Shuxin*; Xie, Zhijian; et al. PLANT AND SOIL   Volume: 390   Issue: 1-2   Pages: 17-27   Published: MAY 2015

[58]. Occurrence and distribution of phosphorus fractions in sediments of Liangzi Lake under typical hydrodynamic conditions By: Li, Hailan; Tu, Shuxin*; Guan, Guan; et al. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-PROCESSES & IMPACTS   Volume: 17   Issue: 8   Pages: 1433-1442   Published: 2015

[59]. The Accumulation and Subcellular Distribution of Arsenic and Antimony in Four Fern Plants By: Feng, R.; Wang, X.; Wei, C.; et al. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYTOREMEDIATION   Volume: 17   Issue: 4   Pages: 348-354   Published: 2015

[60]. 旱改水对水稻幼苗生长的影响及秸秆的改良作用 优先出版  闫加力; 李懋; 熊双莲; 涂书新  中国生态农业学报  2015-03-06 10:03  

[61]. 穗部畸形水稻植株和土壤中矿质元素及砷含量的分布  熊双莲; 张宇飞; 闫加力; 李懋; 孙刚; 李海兰; 涂书新  湖北农业科学  2015-05-25  

[62]. 单一与复合砷锑处理对波士顿蕨富集与转化砷和锑的作用 优先出版  王晓丽; 杨芬; 韦朝阳; 涂书新; 刘金鑫  生态学杂志  2015-10-23 08:46  

[63]. 不同硼肥力土壤对烤烟酶学指标的影响  陈振国; 彭孟祥; 李进平; 孙敬国; 涂书新; 孙光伟; 李建平  西南农业学报  2015 , 28 (2) :659-662

[64]. 土壤硒水平和硒肥对水稻硒含量、抗氧化反应及干物质积累的影响 优先出版  王兆双; 涂书新; 熊双莲; 郑威  核农学报 2015 , 29 (12) :2375-2384

[65]. Selenium speciation in plants by HPLC-ultraviolet treatment-hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry using various mobile phases Global Advances in Selenium Research from Theory to Application. CRC Press 2015.10

[66]. Comparative Study on Extraction Methods and Bioavailability of Soil Available Selenium Global Advances in Selenium Research from Theory to Application CRC Press 2015.10

[67]. 金,李进平,涂书新,陈振国,彭孟祥,魏文娟。几种缓释钾肥对烤烟钾含量及产量产值的影响. 中国烟草科学,2014, 353: 17-22.

[68]. 谢志坚,涂书新,张 嵚,李海蓝,韩 丹,徐昌旭,刘光荣,罗华汉 。影响烤烟烟碱合成与代谢的因素及其机理分析.核农学报,201428(4): 714-719.

[69]. 黄永炳,黄聪,杨秦霞,张凯,曾维,杨红刚,谢占领,涂书新。天然锰矿对钒的静态吸附性能.武汉理工大学学报,201460(4): 317-323.

[70]. 王晓丽,韦朝阳,冯人伟,涂书新.白玉凤尾蕨与印度芥菜对不同形态锑的富集与转化特征.  环境科学学报,2014,34(3):720-727.

[71]. Han Dan, Xihong Li, Shuanglian Xiong, Shuxin Tu, Zhenguo Chen,Jinping Li, Zhijian Xie.2013. Selenium uptake, speciation and stressed response of Nicotianatabacum L. Environmental and Experimental Botany.

[72]. Renwei Feng & Chaoyang Wei & Shuxin Tu &Zhongqi Liu.2013. Interactive effects of selenium and antimony on the uptake of selenium, antimony and essential elements in paddy-rice. Plant Soil 365:375–386

[73]. Renwei Feng & Chaoyang Wei & Shuxin Tu & Yongzhen Ding & Zhengguo Song. 2013. A Dual Role of Se on Cd Toxicity: Evidences from the Uptake of Cd and Some Essential Elements and the Growth Responses in Paddy Rice. Biol Trace Elem Res 151(1):113-21.

[74]. Renwei Feng, Chaoyang Wei, Shuxin Tu. 2013.The roles of selenium in protecting plants against abiotic stresses. Environmental and Experimental Botany 87 (2013) 58– 68.

[75]. Yan Xiulan, Zhang Min, Liao Xiaoyong, Tu Shuxin. 2012. Influence of amendments on soil arsenic fractionation and phytoavailability by Pteris vittata L. Chemosphere, 88(2):240-244.

[76]. Guan Guan, Shuxin Tu, Hailan Li, Juncheng Yang, Jianfeng Zhang, Shilin Wen and Li. 2013. Phosphorus Fertilization Modes Affect Crop Yield, Nutrient Uptake, and Soil Biological Properties in the Rice–Wheat Cropping System. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 77(1): 166-172.

[77]. Yan Xiulan, Zhang Min, Liao Xiaoyong, Tu Shuxin. 2012. Influence of amendments on soil arsenic fractionation and phytoavailability by Pteris vittata L. Chemosphere, 88(2):240-244.

[78]. Xuelong Wang, Shuxin Tu, Xiaoli Wang, Jiahui Kang, Xuhong Tang, Wenjuan Wei, Mengxiang Peng, Guan Guan 2012. Effect of Phosphorus and Potassium Nutrition on Nicotine and Nutrient Accumulation during Topping Stage of Nicotiana tabacum L. International Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment- JFAE. 10(2): 732-740.

[79]. Qian Yang, Shuxin Tu, Xiaoyong Liao, Xiulan Yan, Gejiao Wang. 2012. Arsenate reducing bacteria enhancing phytoremediation efficiency of polluted soils using Pteris vittata. International J. of Phytoremediation.12:89-99.

[80]. Renwei Feng & Chaoyang Wei & Shuxin Tu &Zhongqi Liu. Interactive effects of selenium and antimony on the uptake of selenium, antimony and essential elements in paddy-rice. Plant and Soil volume 365, pages375–386 (2013) . DOI 10.1007/s11104-012-1399-9.

[81]. Renwei Feng & Chaoyang Wei & Shuxin Tu & Yongzhen Ding & Zhengguo Song. A Dual Role of Se on Cd Toxicity: Evidences from the Uptake of Cd and Some Essential Elements and the Growth Responses in Paddy Rice. Biol Trace Elem Res DOI 10.1007/s12011-012-9532-4.

[82]. Renwei Feng, Chaoyang Wei, Shuxin Tu. The roles of selenium in protecting plants against abiotic stresses. Environmental and Experimental Botany 87 (2013) 58– 68.

[83]. Xuelong Wang, Shuxin Tu*,Xiaoli Wang, Jiahui Kang, Xuhong Tang, Wenjuan Wei, Mengxiang Peng, Guan Guan 2012.Effect of Phosphorus and Potassium Nutrition on Nicotine and Nutrient Accumulation during Topping Stage of Nicotiana tabacum L. International Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment-JFAE. Vol.10 (2): 732-740.

[84]. 黄永炳,涂书新 2011 含铁锰矿去除水体砷的效果及其影响因子研究。矿物岩石地球化学通报,304)增刊:461.

[85]. 吴佳,谢明吉,杨倩,涂书新.2011.砷污染微生物修复的进展研究.环境科学. 32(3):.817823

[86]. 马琳,涂书新. 2011. 水体除砷材料的筛选及其化学成分特征研究. 水处理技术,37(1): 68-72

[87]. 马栋,廖晓勇,阎秀兰,金京华,涂书新. 2011. 工业污染场地土壤苯系物的检测方法比较研究. 环境科学. 32(3):842847

[88]. 赵丹,阎秀兰,廖晓勇,涂书新,施启文. 2011.不同化学氧化剂对焦化污染场地苯系物的修复效果. 环境科学. 32(3):849856

[89]. 贾炎, 涂书新*, 唐世荣. 植酸和几种抗氧化物质对自由基清除作用的比较研究,365体育手机版入口学报,20113031-5

[90]. 孙敬国,矣跃平,唐徐红,袁仕信,何云燕,刘磊,尹晓东,何结望, 李琳,李相朋,涂书新. 烟草指纹图谱技术的研究进展和展望. 湖北农业科学,2012,51(7):1510-1514

[91]. 唐徐红,矣跃平,袁仕信,何云燕,刘磊,尹晓东,涂书新。指纹图谱技术在云南烤烟质量分类中的应用研究。湖北农业科学,2012,51(6):1156-1160

[92]. 唐徐红,矣跃平,袁仕信,何云燕,刘磊,尹晓东,李琳,涂书新。云南烤烟指纹图谱数据库的建立和规程研究。中国烟草科学,2012332:1-6

[93]. 唐徐红,矣跃平,袁仕信,何云燕,刘磊,尹晓东,李琳,涂书新。云南烤烟指纹图谱数据库的建立和规程研究。中国烟草科学,2012332:1-6.

[94]. 熊双莲,宋俊英,涂书新,金瓯,喻法金,杜巍,陈永芳,谭启玲,杨俊城。不同芥菜型油菜基因型砷毒耐性研究。中国油料作物学报。201234( 3) : 273 279

[95]. 许汝冰,谢志坚,李进平,涂书新*,陈振国,郭莉,于洋龙小燕. 2011,烤烟产量、产值及氮肥利用率(15 N)与海拔高度和移栽期的关系研究. 江西农业大学学报33( 3) : 0425 0431

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[101]. Jingguo Sun , Jiewang He*Fengguang WuShuxing Tu*, Tiejun Yan, Hui Si and Hao Xie. 2011. Comparative Analysis on Chemical Components and Sensory Quality of Aging Flue-cured Tobacco from Four Main Tobacco Areas of China. Agricultural Sciences in China (ASC). 10(8): 1222-1231

[102]. Tu, S, L. Ma, and B. Rathinasabapathi. 2011. Characterization of phytase from three ferns with variable arsenic tolerance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49 (2): 146-150.

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[107]. Yan Jia, Shirong Tang, Ruigang Wang, Xuehai Ju, Yongzhen Ding, Shuxin Tu, Donald L. Smith. 2010. Effects of elevated CO2 on growth, photosynthesis, elemental composition, antioxidant level, and phytochelatin concentration in Lolium mutiforum and Lolium perenne under Cd stress. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 180(1-3): 384-394.

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[110]. 朱文达; 曹坳程; 涂书新; 袁友民; 王明锐; 2010 .紫茎泽兰对大蒜产量的影响及其经济阈值。365体育手机版入口学报, 293):295299

[111]. 张宇飞; 冯翰林; 赵保平; 张凯; 王刚; 贺丽; 涂书新; 2010.  江汉平原水稻穗部畸形病的发生原因探析。湖北农业科学, 49(6): 1356-1372;

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[113]. Tu S. and L. Ma. 2010. Phosphorus fractions, phytate content and in vivo activity of phytase in Pteris vittata under arsenic stress. Chemesphere, submitted.

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