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姓名:谭文峰    职称:教授    政治面貌:中共党员     电话:027-87287508






  兼任界面与污染国际委员会委员,第11届界面与污染国际会议主席、第21届环境生物地球化学国际研讨会共同主席,教育部科学技术委员会环境学部委员,中国土壤学会常务理事、中国土壤学会土壤化学专业委员会副主任,湖北省第三次土壤普查专家组组长、工作领导小组办公室副主任等;担任Applied GeochemistryBulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology (BECT)、土壤等期刊副主编,以及BiocharCarbon Research、土壤学报、水土保持学报、土壤通报等期刊编委。


2006.11-至今 365体育亚洲唯一官网入口教授

2008-2013 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所百人计划研究员

2006-2007 荷兰Wageningen大学博士后

2002-2006 365体育亚洲唯一官网入口副教授

2000-2001 365体育亚洲唯一官网入口讲师


1997-2000 365体育手机版入口资源环境与农业化学系 土壤学博士

1994-1997 365体育手机版入口土壤与农业化学系 土壤学硕士

1990-1994 365体育手机版入口土壤与农业化学系 本科
























2021.1-2024.12 集约化土地利用驱动下土壤退化机制与生态调控,国家自然科学基金中-阿重点国际合作项目,300万元,主持。

2020.1-2023.12 球囊霉素与土壤活性组分作用的“超级”胶结机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,62万元,主持。

2017.1-2019.12 土壤退化,欧盟Erasmus+项目,7.8万欧元,主持。

2015.1-2019.12 土壤胶体与界面化学,国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金,400万元,主持。

2015.1-2019.12 作物高产高效的土壤微生物区系特征及其调控(973项目),100万,研究骨干。

2014.1-2018.12 胶结物质驱动的土壤团聚体形成过程与稳定机制,国家自然科学基金重点项目,308万,主持。

2012.1-2014.12 土壤化学阴阳离子模型构建与拟合,365体育手机版入口杰青后备人选项目,主持。

2010.1-2013.12 黄土剖面粘土矿物组成特点及其环境意义,中国科学院百人计划择优支持,主持。

2010.1-2012.12 土壤腐殖酸与酶相互作用机制及其对酶特性的影响,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持。

2010.1-2011.12 土壤环境中铅形态分布的机理性量化模型的建立,国家自然科学基金海外合青年基金,国内合作者。

2009.1-2011.12 土壤固相组分交互作用对铜离子吸附的影响及其模型的应用,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,主持。

2009.1-2011.12 腐殖酸-氧化物-粘土矿物交互作用对重金属形态的影响,湖北省自然科学杰出青年基金,主持。

2008.8-2011.08 西北干旱半干旱区土壤固相组分交互作用对金属元素形态及其生物有效性的影响,黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室基金,主持。

2007.1-2009.12 土壤腐殖质与粘土矿物交互作用机制及其表面性质的研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持。

2006.1-2008.12 Interaction between humic substances and protein,荷兰Wageningen大学合作项目,主持。

2005.1-2007.12 铁、铝氧化物与粘土矿物交互作用及其对红壤理化性质的影响,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持。

2004.1-2006.12 红壤中氧化铁与层状硅酸盐矿物的交互作用机理,教育部科学技术研究重点项目,主持。

2002.1-2004.12 土壤与沉积物中几种常见氧化锰矿物的某些表面化学性质,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持。















200012月 湖北省博士团文化科技"三下乡"志愿服务行动荣誉奖,授奖部门:湖北省委宣传部。


1. Cao, L.; Li, W.; Deng, H.; Wang, W.; Liang, Y.; Wei, Z.; Wang, M.;  Tan, W., Effect of land use pattern on the bioavailability of heavy metals: A case study with a multi-surface model. Chemosphere 2022, 307.

2. Tan, W.; Liang, Y.; Xu, Y.; Wang, M., Structural-controlled formation of nano-particle hematite and their removal performance for heavy metal ions: A review. Chemosphere 2022, 306.

3. Yang, Z.; Chen, X.; Hou, J.; Liu, H.; Tan, W., Soil texture and pH exhibit important effects on biological nitrogen fixation in paddy soil. Applied Soil Ecology 2022, 178.

4. Chen, H.; Xiong, J.; Fang, L.; Han, F.; Zhao, X.; Fan, Q.; Tan, W., Sequestration of heavy metals in soil aggregates induced by glomalin-related soil protein: A five-year phytoremediation field study. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 437.

5. Di Iorio, E.; Circelli, L.; Angelico, R.; Torrent, J.; Tan, W.; Colombo, C., Environmental implications of interaction between humic substances and iron oxide nanoparticles: A review. Chemosphere 2022, 303.

6. Xu, Y.; Hiemstra, T.; Tan, W.; Bai, Y.; Weng, L., Key factors in the adsorption of natural organic matter to metal (hydr)oxides: Fractionation and conformational change. Chemosphere 2022, 308, 136129-136129.

7. Li, Y.; Koopal, L. K.; Tan, W.; Chai, Y.; Chen, Y.; Wu, C.; Tang, X., Effect of humic acid on lysozyme interaction with montmorillonite and kaolinite. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 834.

8. Arroyave, J. M.; Avena, M.; Tan, W.; Wang, M., The two-species phosphate adsorption kinetics on goethite. Chemosphere 2022, 135782-135782.

9. Liang, Y.; Jin, J.; Wei, Z.; Wang, M.; Xiong, J.; Hou, J.; Tan, W., Complexation mechanism of Pb2+ at the ferrihydrite-water interface: The role of Al-substitution. Chemosphere 2022, 135627-135627.

10. Li, Y.; Koopal, L. K.; Chai, Y.; Tan, W.; Wu, C.; Tang, X.; Chen, Y., Spectroscopic investigation of conformational changes in urease caused by interaction with humic acid. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces 2022, 215.

11. Liu, T.; Li, C.; Tan, W.; Wang, J.; Feng, J.; Hu, Q.; Cao, C., Rice-crayfish co-culture reduces ammonia volatilization and increases rice nitrogen uptake in central China. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 2022, 330.

12. Zhang, F.; Pan, Y.; Ying, C.; Wang, X.; Yin, H.; Tan, W.; Wang, Z.; Feng, X., The effect of citric acid on the catalytic oxidation of Mn(II) on ferrihydrite surface. Applied Geochemistry 2022, 139.

13. Xiong, J.; Liu, Z.; Yan, Y.; Xu, J.; Liu, D.; Tan, W.; Feng, X., Role of clay minerals in controlling phosphorus availability in a subtropical Alfisol. Geoderma 2022, 409.

14. Zeng, Q.; Mei, T.; Wang, M.; Tan, W., Intensive citrus plantations suppress the microbial profiles of the beta-glucosidase gene. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 2022, 323.

15. Yi, J.; Zeng, Q.; Mei, T.; Zhang, S.; Li, Q.; Wang, M.; Tan, W., Disentangling drivers of soil microbial nutrient limitation in intensive agricultural and natural ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 806.

16. Zeng, Q.; Mei, T.; Delgado-Baquerizo, M.; Wang, M.; Tan, W., Suppressed phosphorus-mineralizing bacteria after three decades of fertilization. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 2022, 323.

17. Huang, C.; Meng, S.; Tan, W.; Wen, S.; Li, D.; Wang, B.; Koopal, L. K., Regional differences in mineral weathering characteristics of zonal soils under intensive agriculture. Applied Clay Science 2021, 215.

18. Liao, S.; Wang, X.; Yin, H.; Post, J. E.; Yan, Y.; Tan, W.; Huang, Q.; Liu, F.; Feng, X., Effects of Al substitution on local structure and morphology of lepidocrocite and its phosphate adsorption kinetics (vol 276, pg 109, 2020). Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2021, 314, 414-414.

19. Li, G.; Guo, Y.; Jin, Y.; Tan, W.; Liu, F.; Yin, H., Intrinsic mechanisms of calcium sulfite activation by siderite for atrazine degradation. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 426.

20. Zheng, Q.; Tu, S.; Hou, J.; Ni, C.; Wang, M.; Ren, L.; Wang, M.; Cao, M.; Xiong, S.; Tan, W., Insights into the underlying mechanisms of stability working for As(III) removal by Fe-Mn binary oxide as a highly efficient adsorbent. Water Research 2021, 203.

21. Xiong, J.; Wei, Y.; Xu, J.; Hou, J.; Liu, Z.; Wang, M.; Tan, W., Influence of reduction on the fluorescent units and proton binding of humic acids: Synchronous fluorescence spectrum and NICA-Donnan modeling. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2021, 626.

22. Liu, T.; Guo, L.; Cao, C.; Tan, W.; Li, C., Long-term rice-oilseed rape rotation increases soil organic carbon by improving functional groups of soil organic matter. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 2021, 319.

23. Liang, Y.; Yu, D.; Jin, J.; Xiong, J.; Hou, J.; Wang, M.; Tan, W., Microstructure of Al-substituted goethite and its adsorption performance for Pb(II) and As(V). Science of the Total Environment 2021, 790.

24. Zhao, W.; Gu, C.; Ying, H.; Feng, X.; Zhu, M.; Wang, M.; Tan, W.; Wang, X., Fraction distribution of heavy metals and its relationship with iron in polluted farmland soils around distinct mining areas. Applied Geochemistry 2021, 130.

25. Liang, Y.; Xu, J.; Koopal, L. K.; Wang, M.; Xiong, J.; Hou, J.; Tan, W., Facet-dependent surface charge and Pb2+adsorption characteristics of hematite nanoparticles: CD-MUSIC-eSGC modeling. Environmental Research 2021, 196.

26. Liang, Y.; Jin, J.; Xiang, Y.; Wang, M.; Xiong, J.; Hou, J.; Tan, W., Insights into the improving mechanism of defect-mediated As(V) adsorption on hematite nanoplates. Chemosphere 2021, 280.

27. Chen, C.; Chen, J.; Fang, R.; Ye, F.; Yang, Z.; Wang, Z.; Shi, F.; Tan, W., What medical waste management system may cope With COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons from Wuhan. Resources Conservation and Recycling 2021, 170.

28. Liu, H.; Hu, H.; Huang, X.; Ge, T.; Li, Y.; Zhu, Z.; Liu, X.; Tan, W.; Jia, Z.; Di, H.; Xu, J.; Li, Y., Canonical ammonia oxidizers, rather than comammox Nitrospira, dominated autotrophic nitrification during the mineralization of organic substances in two paddy soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2021, 156.

29. Liu, L.; Qiao, Q.; Tan, W.; Sun, X.; Liu, C.; Dang, Z.; Qiu, G., Arsenic detoxification by iron-manganese nodules under electrochemically controlled redox: Mechanism and application. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 403.

30. Wu, Z.; Lanson, B.; Feng, X.; Yin, H.; Tan, W.; He, F.; Liu, F., Transformation of the phyllomanganate vernadite to tectomanganates with small tunnel sizes: Favorable geochemical conditions and fate of associated Co. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2021, 295, 224-236.

31. Li, Y.; Koopal, L. K.; Chen, Y.; Shen, A.; Tan, W., Conformational modifications of lysozyme caused by interaction with humic acid studied with spectroscopy. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 768.

32. Zhang, T.; Liu, L.; Tan, W.; Suib, S. L.; Qiu, G., Formation and transformation of manganese(III) intermediates in the photochemical generation of manganese(IV) oxide minerals. Chemosphere 2021, 262.

33. Ying, C.; Lanson, B.; Wang, C.; Wang, X.; Yin, H.; Yan, Y.; Tan, W.; Liu, F.; Feng, X., Highly enhanced oxidation of arsenite at the surface of birnessite in the presence of pyrophosphate and the underlying reaction mechanisms. Water Research 2020, 187.

34. Li, G.; Jin, Y.; Yan, Y.; Wang, M.; Tan, W.; Liu, F.; Feng, X.; Yin, H., The alkaline photo-sulfite system triggers Fe(IV/V) generation at hematite surfaces. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 401.

35. Hou, J.; Ni, C.; Ren, L.; Yin, H.; Wang, M.; Tan, W., Simultaneous introduction of K+ and Rb+ into OMS-2 tunnels as an available strategy for substantially increasing the catalytic activity for benzene elimination. Environmental Research 2020, 191.

36. Li, Y.; Wang, M.; Zhang, Y.; Koopal, L. K.; Tan, W., Goethite effects on transport and activity of lysozyme with humic acid in quartz sand. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2020, 604.

37. Ni, C.; Hou, J.; Wang, Z.; Li, Y.; Ren, L.; Wang, M.; Yin, H.; Tan, W., Enhanced catalytic activity of OMS-2 for carcinogenic benzene elimination by tuning Sr2+ contents in the tunnels. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 398.

38. Rady, O.; Liu, L.; Yang, X.; Tang, X.; Tan, W.; Qiu, G., Adsorption and catalytic oxidation of arsenite on Fe-Mn nodules in the presence of oxygen. Chemosphere 2020, 259.

39. Yang, X.; Liu, L.; Tan, W.; Liu, C.; Dang, Z.; Qiu, G., Remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils by organic acid extraction and electrochemical adsorption. Environmental Pollution 2020, 264.

40. Luo, Y.; Tan, W.; Suib, S. L.; Qiu, G.; Liu, F., Epitaxial growth mechanism of heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of Mn(II) on manganite under oxic conditions. Chemical Geology 2020, 547.

41. Hong, J.; Liu, L.; Tan, W.; Qiu, G., Arsenic release from arsenopyrite oxidative dissolution in the presence of citrate under UV irradiation. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 726.

42. Ni, C.; Hou, J.; Li, L.; Li, Y.; Wang, M.; Yin, H.; Tan, W., The remarkable effect of alkali earth metal ion on the catalytic activity of OMS-2 for benzene oxidation. Chemosphere 2020, 250.

43. Chen, H.; Li, Q.; Wang, M.; Ji, D.; Tan, W., XPS and two-dimensional FTIR correlation analysis on the binding characteristics of humic acid onto kaolinite surface. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 724.

44. Zheng, Q.; Hou, J.; Hartley, W.; Ren, L.; Wang, M.; Tu, S.; Tan, W., As(III) adsorption on Fe-Mn binary oxides: Are Fe and Mn oxides synergistic or antagonistic for arsenic removal? Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 389.

45. Koopal, L.; Tan, W.; Avena, M., Equilibrium mono- and multicomponent adsorption models: From homogeneous ideal to heterogeneous non-ideal binding. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 2020, 280.

46. Xu, Y.; Bai, Y.; Hiemstra, T.; Tan, W.; Weng, L., Resolving humic and fulvic acids in binary systems influenced by adsorptive fractionation to Fe-(hydr)oxide with focus on UV-Vis analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 389.

47. Hai, J.; Liu, L.; Tan, W.; Hao, R.; Qiu, G., Catalytic oxidation and adsorption of Cr(III) on iron-manganese nodules under oxic conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 390.

48. Qiao, Q.; Yang, X.; Liu, L.; Luo, Y.; Tan, W.; Liu, C.; Dang, Z.; Qiu, G., Electrochemical adsorption of cadmium and arsenic by natural Fe-Mn nodules. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 390.

49. Liao, S.; Wang, X.; Yin, H.; Post, J. E.; Yan, Y.; Tan, W.; Huang, Q.; Liu, F.; Feng, X., Effects of Al substitution on local structure and morphology of lepidocrocite and its phosphate adsorption kinetics. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2020, 276, 109-121.

50. Yang, X.; Peng, Q.; Liu, L.; Tan, W.; Qiu, G.; Liu, C.; Dang, Z., Synergistic adsorption of Cd(II) and As(V) on birnessite under electrochemical control. Chemosphere 2020, 247.

51. Luo, Y.; Ding, J.; Hai, J.; Tan, W.; Hao, R.; Qiu, G., Interaction mechanism of dissolved Cr(VI) and manganite in the presence of goethite coating. Environmental Pollution 2020, 260.

52. Li, G.; Wang, C.; Yan, Y.; Yan, X.; Li, W.; Feng, X.; Li, J.; Xiang, Q.; Tan, W.; Liu, F.; Yin, H., Highly enhanced degradation of organic pollutants in hematite/sulfite/photo system. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 386.

53. Wu, Z.; Lanson, B.; Feng, X.; Yin, H.; Qin, Z.; Wang, X.; Tan, W.; Chen, Z.; Wen, W.; Liu, F., Transformation of Ni-containing birnessite to tectomanganate: Influence and fate of weakly bound Ni(II) species. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2020, 271, 96-115.

54. Yin, H.; Wu, Y.; Hou, J.; Yan, X.; Li, Z.; Zhu, C.; Zhang, J.; Feng, X.; Tan, W.; Liu, F., Preference of Co over Al for substitution of Fe in goethite (alpha-FeOOH) structure: Mechanism revealed from EXAFS, XPS, DFT and linear free energy correlation model. Chemical Geology 2020, 532.

55. Yin, H.; Sun, J.; Yan, X.; Yang, X.; Feng, X.; Tan, W.; Qiu, G.; Zhang, J.; Ginder-Vogel, M.; Liu, F., Effects of Co(II) ion exchange, Ni(II)- and V(V)-doping on the transformation behaviors of Cr(III) on hexagonal turbostratic birnessite-water interfaces. Environmental Pollution 2020, 256.

56. Liu, L.; Tan, W.; Suib, S. L.; Qiu, G.; Zheng, L.; Su, S., Enhanced adsorption removal of arsenic from mining wastewater using birnessite under electrochemical redox reactions. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 375.

57. Zhao, W.; Zhang, R.; Cao, H.; Tan, W., Factor contribution to soil organic and inorganic carbon accumulation in the Loess Plateau: Structural equation modeling. Geoderma 2019, 352, 116-125.

58. Koopal, L.; Tan, W.; Avena, M., Mixed ad/desorption kinetics unraveled with the equilibrium adsorption isotherm. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2019, 577, 709-722.

59. Fang, D.; Wei, S.; Xu, Y.; Xiong, J.; Tan, W., Impact of low-molecular weight organic acids on selenite immobilization by goethite: Understanding a competitive-synergistic coupling effect and speciation transformation. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 684, 694-704.

60. Ye, L.; Tan, W.; Fang, L.; Ji, L., Spatial analysis of soil aggregate stability in a small catchment of the Loess Plateau, China: II. Spatial prediction. Soil & Tillage Research 2019, 192, 1-11.

61. Tang, Y.; Wang, X.; Yan, Y.; Zeng, H.; Wang, G.; Tan, W.; Liu, F.; Feng, X., Effects of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate, ferrihydrite coating, ionic strength and pH on the transport of TiO2 nanoparticles in quartz sand. Environmental Pollution 2019, 252, 1193-1201.

62. Yang, X.; Liu, L.; Zhang, M.; Tan, W.; Qiu, G.; Zheng, L., Improved removal capacity of magnetite for Cr(VI) by electrochemical reduction. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019, 374, 26-34.

63. Tan, W.-f.; Lin, Q.-m., Ecological functions of biochar. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18 (7), 1473-1473.

64. Lan, S.; Wang, X.; Yang, P.; Qin, Z.; Zhu, M.; Zhang, J.; Liu, F.; Tan, W.; Huang, Q.; Feng, X., The catalytic effect of AQDS as an electron shuttle on Mn(II) oxidation to birnessite on ferrihydrite at circumneutral pH. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2019, 247, 175-190.

65. Wu, Z.; Peacock, C. L.; Lanson, B.; Yin, H.; Zheng, L.; Chen, Z.; Tan, W.; Qiu, G.; Liu, F.; Feng, X., Transformation of Co-containing birnessite to todorokite: Effect of Co on the transformation and implications for Co mobility. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2019, 246, 21-40.

66. Liu, L.; Peng, Q.; Qiu, G.; Zhu, J.; Tan, W.; Liu, C.; Zheng, L.; Dang, Z., Cd2+ adsorption performance of tunnel-structured manganese oxides driven by electrochemically controlled redox. Environmental Pollution 2019, 244, 783-791.

67. Ye, L.; Fang, L.; Shi, Z.; Deng, L.; Tan, W., Spatio-temporal dynamics of soil moisture driven by 'Grain for Green' program on the Loess Plateau, China. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 2019, 269, 204-214.

68. Ji, L.; Tan, W.; Chen, X., Arbuscular mycorrhizal mycelial networks and glomalin-related soil protein increase soil aggregation in Calcaric Regosol under well-watered and drought stress conditions. Soil & Tillage Research 2019, 185, 1-8.

69. Li, Y.; Koopal, L. K.; Xiong, J.; Wang, M.; Yang, C.; Tan, W., Influence of humic acid on transport, deposition and activity of lysozyme in quartz sand. Environmental Pollution 2018, 242, 298-306.

70. Hong, J.; Liu, L.; Luo, Y.; Tan, W.; Qiu, G.; Liu, F., Photochemical oxidation and dissolution of arsenopyrite in acidic solutions. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2018, 239, 173-185.

71. Zhao, W.; Tan, W.-F., Quantitative and structural analysis of minerals in soil clay fractions developed under different climate zones in China by XRD with Rietveld method, and its implications for pedogenesis. Applied Clay Science 2018, 162, 351-361.

72. Yang, X.; Liu, L.; Tan, W.; Qiu, G.; Liu, F., High-performance Cu2+ adsorption of birnessite using electrochemically controlled redox reactions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2018, 354, 107-115.

73. Hou, J.; Sha, Z.; Hartley, W.; Tan, W.; Wang, M.; Xiong, J.; Li, Y.; Ke, Y.; Long, Y.; Xue, S., Enhanced oxidation of arsenite to arsenate using tunable K+ concentration in the OMS-2 tunnel. Environmental Pollution 2018, 238, 524-531.

74. Luo, Y.; Ding, J.; Shen, Y.; Tan, W.; Qiu, G.; Liu, F., Symbiosis mechanism of iron and manganese oxides in oxic aqueous systems. Chemical Geology 2018, 488, 162-170.

75. Ye, L.; Tan, W.; Fang, L.; Ji, L.; Deng, H., Spatial analysis of soil aggregate stability in a small catchment of the Loess Plateau, China: I. Spatial variability. Soil & Tillage Research 2018, 179, 71-81.

76. Luo, Y.; Tan, W.; Suib, S. L.; Qiu, G.; Liu, F., Dissolution and phase transformation processes of hausmannite in acidic aqueous systems under anoxic conditions. Chemical Geology 2018, 487, 54-62.

77. Qiu, G.; Gao, T.; Hong, J.; Luo, Y.; Liu, L.; Tan, W.; Liu, F., Mechanisms of interaction between arsenian pyrite and aqueous arsenite under anoxic and oxic conditions. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2018, 228, 205-219.

78. Huang, C. Q.; Wang, M. N.; Tan, W. F.; Wang, M. K.; Koopal, L. K., Hydroxy-interlayered minerals in the Holocene paleosol on the southernmost Loess Plateau, China. Applied Clay Science 2018, 153, 70-77.

79. Li, F.Y.; Koopal, L.; Tan, W.F., Effect of citrate on the species and levels of Al impurities in ferrihydrite. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2018, 539, 140-147.

80. Lan, S.; Ying, H.; Wang, X.; Liu, F.; Tan, W.; Huang, Q.; Zhang, J.; Feng, X., Efficient catalytic As(III) oxidation on the surface of ferrihydrite in the presence of aqueous Mn(II). Water Research 2018, 128, 92-101.

81. Qiu, G.; Gao, T.; Hong, J.; Tan, W.; Liu, F.; Zheng, L., Mechanisms of arsenic-containing pyrite oxidation by aqueous arsenate under anoxic conditions. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2017, 217, 306-319.

82. Liu, L.; Qiu, G.; Suib, S. L.; Liu, F.; Zheng, L.; Tan, W.; Qin, L., Enhancement of Zn2+ and Ni2+ removal performance using a deionization pseudocapacitor with nanostructured birnessite and its carbon nanotube composite electrodes. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 328, 464-473.

83. Hou, J.; Xiang, Y.; Zheng, D.; Li, Y.; Xue, S.; Wu, C.; Hartley, W.; Tan, W., Morphology-dependent enhancement of arsenite oxidation to arsenate on birnessite-type manganese oxide. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, 327, 235-243.

84. Chen, H F.; Koopal, L. K.; Xiong, J.; Avena, M.; Tan, W., Mechanisms of soil humic acid adsorption onto montmorillonite and kaolinite. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2017, 504, 457-467.

85. Huang, X.; Li, Y.; Liu, B.; Guggenberger, G.; Shibistova, O.; Zhu, Z.; Ge, T.; Tan, W.; Wu, J., Soil Chip-XPS integrated technique to study formation of soil biogeochemical interfaces. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2017, 113, 71-79.

86. Qin, Z.; Xiang, Q.; Liu, F.; Xiong, J.; Koopal, L. K.; Zheng, L.; Ginder-Vogel, M.; Wang, M.; Feng, X.; Tan, W.; Yin, H., Local structure of Cu2+ in Cu-doped hexagonal turbostratic birnessite and Cu2+ stability under acid treatment. Chemical Geology 2017, 466, 512-523.

87. Lan, S.; Wang, X.; Xiang, Q.; Yin, H.; Tan, W.; Qiu, G.; Liu, F.; Zhang, J.; Feng, X., Mechanisms of Mn(II) catalytic oxidation on ferrihydrite surfaces and the formation of manganese (oxyhydr)oxides. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2017, 211, 79-96.

88. Liu, L.; Luo, Y.; Tan, W.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, F.; Qiu, G., Facile synthesis of birnessite-type manganese oxide nanoparticles as supercapacitor electrode materials. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2016, 482, 183-192.

89. Yin, H.; Tan, N.; Liu, C.; Wang, J.; Liang, X.; Qu, M.; Feng, X.; Qiu, G.; Tan, W.; Liu, F., The associations of heavy metals with crystalline iron oxides in the polluted soils around the mining areas in Guangdong Province, China. Chemosphere 2016, 161, 181-189.

90. Liu, M.; Pi, J.; Wang, X.; Huang, R.; Du, Y.; Yu, X.; Tan, W.; Liu, F.; Shea, K. J., A sol-gel derived pH-responsive bovine serum albumin molecularly imprinted poly(ionic liquids) on the surface of multiwall carbon nanotubes. Analytica Chimica Acta 2016, 932, 29-40.

91. Xu, J.; Tan, W.; Xiong, J.; Wang, M.; Fang, L.; Koopal, L. K., Copper binding to soil fulvic and humic acids: NICA-Donnan modeling and conditional affinity spectra. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2016, 473, 141-151.

92. Waiman, C. V.; Arroyave, J. M.; Chen, H.; Tan, W.; Avena, M. J.; Zanini, G. P., The simultaneous presence of glyphosate and phosphate at the goethite surface as seen by XPS, ATR-FTIR and competitive adsorption isotherms. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2016, 498, 121-127.

93. Zhao, W.; Zhang, R.; Huang, C.; Wang, B.; Cao, H.; Koopal, L. K.; Tan, W., Effect of different vegetation cover on the vertical distribution of soil organic and inorganic carbon in the Zhifanggou Watershed on the loess plateau. Catena 2016, 139, 191-198.

94. Wan, B.; Yan, Y.; Liu, F.; Tan, W.; Chen, X.; Feng, X., Surface adsorption and precipitation of inositol hexakisphosphate on calcite: A comparison with orthophosphate. Chemical Geology 2016, 421, 103-111.

95. Hong, Z.; Chen, W.; Rong, X.; Cai, P.; Tan, W.; Huang, Q., Effects of humic acid on adhesion of Bacillus subtilis to phyllosilicates and goethite. Chemical Geology 2015, 416, 19-27.

96. Xiong, J.; Koopal, L. K.; Weng, L.; Wang, M.; Tan, W., Effect of soil fulvic and humic acid on binding of Pb to goethite-water interface: Linear additivity and volume fractions of HS in the Stern layer. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2015, 457, 121-130.

97. Gao, T.; Shi, Y.; Liu, F.; Zhang, Y.; Feng, X.; Tan, W.; Qiu, G., Oxidation process of dissolvable sulfide by synthesized todorokite in aqueous systems. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2015, 290, 106-116.

98. Yin, H.; Feng, X.; Tan, W.; Koopal, L. K.; Hu, T.; Zhu, M.; Liu, F., Structure and properties of vanadium(V)-doped hexagonal turbostratic birnessite and its enhanced scavenging of Pb2+ from solutions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2015, 288, 80-88.

99. Zhang, Z.; Yin, H.; Tan, W.; Koopal, L. K.; Zheng, L.; Feng, X.; Liu, F., Zn sorption to biogenic bixbyite-like Mn2O3 produced by Bacillus CUA isolated from soil: XAFS study with constraints on sorption mechanism. Chemical Geology 2014, 389, 82-90.

100. Huang, C.Q.; Tan, W.F.; Wang, M.K.; Koopal, L. K., Characteristics of the fifth paleosol complex (S-5) in the southernmost part of the Chinese Loess Plateau and its paleo-environmental significance. Catena 2014, 122, 130-139.

101. Tan, W.F.; Zhang, R.; Cao, H.; Huang, C.Q.; Yang, Q.K.; Wang, M.-K.; Koopal, L. K., Soil inorganic carbon stock under different soil types and land uses on the Loess Plateau region of China. Catena 2014, 121, 22-30.

102. Tan, W.; Norde, W.; Koopal, L. K., Interaction between lysozyme and humic acid in layer-by-layer assemblies: Effects of pH and ionic strength. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2014, 430, 40-46.

103. Wei, S.; Tan, W.; Liu, F.; Zhao, W.; Weng, L., Surface properties and phosphate adsorption of binary systems containing goethite and kaolinite. Geoderma 2014, 213, 478-484.

104. Yin, H.; Liu, F.; Feng, X.; Hu, T.; Zheng, L.; Qiu, G.; Koopal, L. K.; Tan, W., Effects of Fe doping on the structures and properties of hexagonal birnessites - Comparison with Co and Ni doping. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2013, 117, 1-15.

105. Tan, W.; Xiong, J.; Li, Y.; Wang, M.; Weng, L.; Koopal, L. K., Proton binding to soil humic and fulvic acids: Experiments and NICA-Donnan modeling. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2013, 436, 1152-1158.

106. Wang, X.; Liu, F.; Tan, W.; Feng, X.; Koopal, L. K., Transformation of hydroxycarbonate green rust into crystalline iron (hydr)oxides: Influences of reaction conditions and underlying mechanisms. Chemical Geology 2013, 351, 57-65.

107. Yin, H.; Tan, W.; Zheng, L.; Cui, H.; Qiu, G.; Liu, F.; Feng, X., Characterization of Ni-rich hexagonal birnessite and its geochemical effects on aqueous Pb2+/Zn2+ and As(III). Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2012, 93, 47-62.

108. Huang, C.Q.; Zhao, W.; Li, F.Y.; Tan, W.F.; Wang, M.K., Mineralogical and pedogenetic evidence for paleo-environmental variations during the Holocene on the Loess Plateau, China. Catena 2012, 96, 49-56.

109. Liu, N.; Wang, M. X.; Liu, M. M.; Liu, F.; Weng, L.; Koopal, L. K.; Tan, W. F., Sorption of tetracycline on organo- montmorillonites. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2012, 225, 28-35.

110. Wang, Y.; Feng, X.; Villalobos, M.; Tan, W.; Liu, F., Sorption behavior of heavy metals on birnessite: Relationship with its Mn average oxidation state and implications for types of sorption sites. Chemical Geology 2012, 292, 25-34.

111. Wang, X.; Sun, S.; Liu, F.; Tan, W.; Hu, H.; Feng, X., The P adsorption-desorption characteristics on ferrihydrite and crystalline Fe oxides suspension. Geochimica 2012, 41 (1), 89-98.

112. Yin, H.; Liu, F.; Feng, X.; Liu, M.; Tan, W.; Qiu, G., Co2+-exchange mechanism of birnessite and its application for the removal of Pb2+ and As(III). Journal of Hazardous Materials 2011, 196, 318-326.

113. Tan, W.F.; Norde, W.; Koopal, L. K., Humic substance charge determination by titration with a flexible cationic polyelectrolyte. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 2011, 75 (19), 5749-5761.

114. Huang, C.; Zhao, W.; Liu, F.; Tan, W.; Koopal, L. K., Environmental significance of mineral weathering and pedogenesis of loess on the southernmost Loess Plateau, China. Geoderma 2011, 163 (3-4), 219-226.

115. Zhao, W.; Tan, W.; Feng, X.; Liu, F.; Xie, Y.; Xie, Z., XAFS studies on surface coordination of Pb2+ on birnessites with different average oxidation states. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2011, 379 (1-3), 86-92.

116. Yin, H.; Feng, X.; Qiu, G.; Tan, W.; Liu, F., Characterization of Co-doped birnessites and application for removal of lead and arsenite. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2011, 188 (1-3), 341-349.

117. Huang, L.; Wang, C. Y.; Tan, W. F.; Hu, H. Q.; Cai, C. F.; Wang, M. K., Distribution of organic matter in aggregates of eroded Ultisols, Central China. Soil & Tillage Research 2010, 108 (1-2), 59-67.

118.Tan W.F.; Koopal L. K.; Norde W., Interaction between humic acid and lysozyme, studied by dynamic light scattering and isothermal titration calorimetry. Environmental Science and Technology 2009, 43(3), 591-596.









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